Address: 0x0Eb9Fc6C9e65D3A4fC18c39c88248Eb09d2a5543
Total supply: 10.0
Decimals: 16
Disable manual mint / burn functions forever (this operation is irrevertible - once you fix the supply you will not be able to mint or burn tokens; auto-deflation (if any) will still work)
Holders reward: %
Buyback: %
Marketing: %
Change marketing wallet:
In NORMAL MODE taxes and buyback are on, in PRESALE MODE taxes and buyback are off. We recommend to turn on PRESALE MODE for the time of presale.
Set new max. transaction amount:
Check if address is excluded from rewards:
Check if address is excluded from fees:
Rate: 1 BNB =
Soft cap: BNB
Hard cap: BNB
Min. contribution: BNB
Max. contribution: BNB
PancakeSwap liquidity percentage: %
PancakeSwap listing rate: 1 BNB = testting
PancakeSwap liquidity unlock:
Your address: (you will be the owner / admin of the presale)
Now we are creating presale smart contract, presale numbers and parameters can not be changed later.
You will be able to add description, social links and logo after creating the presale.
Make sure that you have not yet added a liquidity to PancakeSwap and no one adds it during the presale - most probably the presale will fail to finalize if the liquidity has been added already!
By clicking Confirm button you agree with our Terms of service, confirm that the provided data is correct and well understand that the operation can not be reverted and creation cost 0.0BNB is not refundable.
Raised: BNB
Tokens sold:
Tokens on the presale contract:
Rate: 1 BNB =
Softcap: BNB
Hardcap: BNB
Min./max. contribution: / BNB
Listing percentage: %
Listing rate: 1 BNB =
LP pair:
Liquidity tokens unlock:
By clicking Create button you agree with our Terms of service, confirm that the provided data is correct and well understand that the operation can not be reverted and creation cost 0.0BNB is not refundable.